László Végh

Hertz Chair in the Transdisciplinary Research Area Modelling
University of Bonn

I am also a member of the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics, and a visiting professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

I work on mathematical optimization and algorithm design to tackle computational questions arising in a wide range of areas, with a particular focus on problems at the interface of economics and computation. We combine methods from discrete and continuous optimization, computer science, game theory, and economics to develop efficient exact and approximation algorithms, and understand the limits of computability.

Before moving to Bonn in 2024, I was a professor of mathematics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2011-12, I was a postdoctoral fellow with at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I completed my PhD in mathematics at the Eötvös University in Budapest in 2010, in the Egerváry Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization.


February 2025 Our group is welcoming two new postdocs, Hannaneh Akrami from Saarbrücken and Wenzheng Li from Stanford.
October 2024 We congratulate Bento Natura who was awarded the Richard Rado Prize for his PhD dissertation!
September 2024 Haoyuan Ma joined the group, continuing his PhD he started at LSE in 2023.
August 2024 Sophia Heimann and Matthias Kaul joined as the first group members. Sophia is starting a PhD, having recently completed an MSc in Mathematics at the University of Bonn, and Matthias is a postdoc, having recently submitted his PhD thesis at TU Hamburg.

News archive at LSE (2017–2024)

PhD students

Sophia Heimann 2024–

Haoyuan Ma 2023–

Johannes Brustle 2020–2024, co-supervised with with Paul Dütting

Zhuan Khye (Cedric) Koh 2018–2022, currently postdoc at CWI, Amsterdam

Bento Natura 2018–2022, currently postdoc at Georgia Tech

Edin Husić 2017–2021, currently postdoc at IDSIA, Switzerland


Wenzheng Li 2025–

Hannaneh Akrami 2025–

Matthias Kaul 2024–

Sharat Ibrahimpur 2022–2023

Christoph Hertrich 2022–2023, currently postdoc at Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Yixin Tao 2020–2023, currently assistant professor at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

Georg Loho 2019–2020, currently assistant professor at the University of Twente.

Journal editorial boards

I am an associate editor of Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Mathematical Programming Ser A, and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. .

I was an associate editor of Networks 2020–2022, and of Discrete Optimization 2014–2023.

Conference Programme Committees

ICALP 2025

Past: STOC 2024, SODA2023, HALG2022, FOCS2021, ICALP2021, IPCO2021, ISAAC2020, MFCS2020, IPCO2020, APPROX2019 (PC chair), EC2019, SODA2019, WADS2019, EC2018, WINE2017, ICALP2017, WINE2016, EC2016, WADS2015, SODA2015, ESA2014, FSTTCS2013, EC2013, TAMC2013

Contact information

Email: lvegh@uni-bonn.de

Phone: +49 228 73-9558

Office: 1.004, Poppelsdorfer Allee 24, 53115 Bonn